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The Doorman firmware exposes many entities by default. This page explains the purpose of each one.


Last Bus Command last_bus_command

Reports every published command on the bus.

Uptime doorman_uptime

Reports the uptime in seconds.

Nuki Battery Level nuki_battery_level Nuki Bridge only

Reports the battery level of the paired Nuki smart lock.

Binary Sensors

Entrance Doorbell entrance_doorbell

Activates whenever the entrance_doorbell_command command is received.

Apartment Doorbell apartment_doorbell

Activates whenever the apartment_doorbell_command command is received.

Pick up phone pick_up_phone Disabled by default

Activates whenever the pick_up_phone_command command is received.

Hang up phone hang_up_phone Disabled by default

Activates whenever the hang_up_phone_command command is received.

Ring To Open: Toggle ring_to_open_toggle Internal

Activates whenever the ring_to_open_toggle_command command is received.

Turn on light: Trigger turn_on_light_trigger Internal

Activates whenever the turn_on_light_command command is received.

External Button doorman_external_button Disabled by default

Activates when the external button is pressed.

Nuki Connected nuki_connected Nuki Bridge only

Activates when the paired Nuki smart lock is connected.

Nuki Paired nuki_paired Nuki Bridge only

Activates when a Nuki smart lock is paired.

Nuki Battery Critical nuki_battery_critical Nuki Bridge only

Activates when the paired Nuki smart lock has a critical battery level.

Nuki Door Sensor nuki_door_sensor Nuki Bridge only Disabled by default

No description yet.

Nuki Door Sensor State nuki_door_sensor_state Nuki Bridge only Disabled by default

Reports the door sensor state of the paired Nuki smart lock.

Text Sensors

Interactive Setup: Status

Shows the current state of Interactive Setup for Commands.


Ring To Open doorman_ring_to_open

Controls the Ring To Open automation.

Ring To Open: Confirmation doorman_ring_to_open_confirmation Disabled by default

Controls the turn-on confirmation for the Ring To Open automation.

Relay doorman_relay Disabled by default

Controls the built-in relay.

Nuki Pairing Mode nuki_pairing_mode Nuki Bridge only Disabled by default

Controls the Nuki pairing mode.


Open Entrance Door open_entrance_door

Opens the entrance door by sending the open_entrance_door_command command on the Bus.

Open Second Door open_second_door Disabled by default

Opens the second door by sending the open_second_door_command command on the Bus.

Turn on the light turn_on_light Disabled by default

Turns on the light by sending the turn_on_light_command command on the Bus.

Interactive Setup: Start doorman_interactive_setup_start

Starts the Interactive Setup Process to interactively setup bus commands.

Interactive Setup: Cancel doorman_interactive_setup_cancel

Cancels the Interactive Setup Process.

Nuki Unpair Device nuki_unpair_device Nuki Bridge only Disabled by default

Unpairs your Nuki smart lock.

Restart doorman_restart Disabled by default

Restarts the Doorman unit, useful after configuration changes that require a restart.

Safe mode doorman_safe_mode Disabled by default

Restarts the Doorman unit into safe mode, useful for OTA updates if the unit is too busy.

Restore Factory Settings doorman_factory_reset Disabled by default

Restarts the Doorman unit and loads factory defaults.


All credentials, global variables, counters, and saved states stored in non-volatile memory will be lost with no chance of recovery. Even raw reading of flash memory with esptool will not help, as data is physically erased from flash memory.

If you configured WiFi using the captive portal, Improv Serial, or Improv BLE, this will reset WiFi settings as well, making such devices offline. You'll need to reconfigure the device using a built-in WiFi access point and captive portal.


Command: Apartment Doorbell apartment_doorbell_command_input

Sets the code sent when someone rings the apartment doorbell.

Command: Entrance Doorbell entrance_doorbell_command_input

Sets the code sent when someone rings the entrance doorbell.

Command: Open Entrance Door open_entrance_door_command_input

Sets the code sent when you press the button to open the entrance door.

Command: Open Second Door open_second_door_command_input Disabled by default

Sets the code sent when you press the button to open the second door.

Command: Pick up phone pick_up_phone_command_input Disabled by default

Sets the code sent when you pick up the phone.

Command: Hang up phone hang_up_phone_command_input Disabled by default

Sets the code sent when you hang up the phone.

Command: Turn on light turn_on_light_command_input Disabled by default

Sets the code sent when you press the button to turn on the hallway light.

Command: Ring To Open Toggle ring_to_open_toggle_command_input Disabled by default

Sets the code used to toggle the Ring To Open automation. The function button is often used for this purpose as it is usually not utilized.


Ring To Open: Delay doorman_ring_to_open_delay Disabled by default

Sets the delay for the Ring To Open automation.


Setting the delay to the maximum (60 seconds) will result in the automation generating a random delay between 5 and 15 seconds each time it is triggered.


Ring To Open: Timeout doorman_ring_to_open_timeout_mode Disabled by default

Sets the timeout mode for the Ring To Open automation.

  • Ring once
  • 5 to 60 minutes
  • Never


Nuki Lock nuki_smart_lock Nuki Bridge only

Represents the lock entity for your paired Nuki smart lock.


Doorbell Pattern doorbell_pattern

Triggers each time a doorbell pattern is detected. Learn more about pattern events here.

Event Types
  • apartment_single
  • apartment_double
  • apartment_triple
  • entrance_single
  • entrance_double
  • entrance_triple

Phone pick up Pattern phone_pick_up_pattern

Triggers each time a phone pick up pattern is detected. Learn more about pattern events here.

Event Types
  • single
  • double
  • triple


Firmware Stable update_http_request_stable

Shows if an update on the stable branch is available and offers installation via the HTTP OTA update mechanism.

Firmware Development update_http_request_dev

Shows if an update on the development branch is available and offers installation via the HTTP OTA update mechanism.


Status LED Red doorman_status_led

A small LED on the Doorman's PCB controlled by the ESPHome Status LED component. By default, this LED remains on when everything is functioning properly but will blink if there are issues.

You can turn off the LED if it becomes annoying. Even when turned off, it will still retain its functionality and blink to signal any issues.

Status LED RGB doorman_rgb_status_led

A small WS2812B RGB LED on the Doorman's PCB is used to indicate specific events. The LED can display various colors and patterns to provide visual feedback on different states and actions.

Event Types
  • Waiting for WiFi / AP Enabled Fast orange pulse
  • Waiting for Home Assistant to Connect Slow blue pulse
  • Home Assistant Connected Solid blue light (for 3 seconds)
  • Ring To Open is Active Slow yellow pulse
  • Nuki Pairing Mode is Active Slow purple pulse Nuki Bridge only
  • Nuki Paired Successfully Solid purple light (for 3 seconds) Nuki Bridge only

Released under the GPL 3.0 License.